Similar todos
Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
Figure out how to make text wrap properly inside NSTableView #blip
Fix NSTableView still drawing grid when rows are selected even though setting for it is off #blip
figure out how to have text selection take precendence over row selection while still supporting both #blip
figure out NSCollectionViewDiffableDataSource bug #blip
prevent text from stealing focus when command or shift are selected to select items in the collection view #blip
figure out way to have (inline) editor its separate undo stack to not interfere with the overall collection view #blip
Fix copy/cut text order being random each time because selectionIndexPaths is unsorted #blip
fix crash when nscollectionview would sometimes ask for layout attributes for indexPaths that no longer exist after data reload #blip
Multiple selection menu (iOS) #gather
fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
Fix selection bug for node editor #edgar
Figure out how to recreate the same context menu action for flipped tableView as normal without everything being fucked, maybe, hopefully #blip
Fix height calculation because NSTextField doesn't actually have a lineFragmentPadding when drawsBackground = false .... cocoa has too many hidden states #blip
#sheet2site find a way how to not use NS
Make a simple Table View Demo for AFK using Cocoa Bindings… #awayfromkeyboard
work out how the NSOutlineView works to make a sidebar menu #blip
Implement double-click action for the collectionView to edit entries #blip
fix entry view not showing selection state #blip