Similar todos
figure out way to have (inline) editor its separate undo stack to not interfere with the overall collection view #blip
Implement a growing NSTextView with lower/upper bounds that doesn't suck #blip
Figure out how to make text wrap properly inside NSTableView #blip
Fix done button not clearing textfield in iOS16+ #checkyourlist
Fix cmd+left/right messing with text input and navigating date instead while textView is active #blip
Enable Undo/redo actions across the entire app #timemator
Fix issue with undo breaking for the entry panel because history wasn't cleared #blip
write blog post on how to create a multi-line text input in SwiftUI/macos without SwiftUI2… #stuff
#sheet2site find a way how to not use NS
Ability to tap away to close keyboard and delete empty tasks with persistentHistoryTracking #five
#pintura [next] add undo/redo functionality
write post on how to debug SwiftUI redraw issues… #stuff
figure out how to get a multi-line text input on macos 10.15+ via swiftui #blip
finally add undo/redo #placid
"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
Make #five keyboard close when tapping away with existing textfields still tappable