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Figure out anchored-selection algorythm NSTableView uses so I can fix NSCollectionView selection behavior once and for all #blip
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fix NSAttributedText sizing issue
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"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
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Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
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writing chapter 7 self sizing tableview #autolayoutbook
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#threader2 fix wrong text displayed in text cell
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make sure word wrapping works correctly
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Implement a growing NSTextView with lower/upper bounds that doesn't suck #blip
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figure out how to get a multi-line text input on macos 10.15+ via swiftui #blip
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Fix text hidden under title bar in #writeas iOS app
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Giant internal UI refactoring to support custom formatted text in SwiftUI #progrs
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figure out vertical text
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Make a simple Table View Demo for AFK using Cocoa Bindings… #awayfromkeyboard
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Fix NSTableView still drawing grid when rows are selected even though setting for it is off #blip
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figure out how to have text selection take precendence over row selection while still supporting both #blip
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make contact row look better with long texts #wobaka
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create textfield style which adapts text to available size #placid
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write up TIL on how to stop NSTextView from interfering with the undo history in macos apps… #stuff
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Allow setting up initial growing-text-view height constraint in IB #blip
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make main table UI label wraparound and not truncate #producthunthackathon
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