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Figure out anchored-selection algorythm NSTableView uses so I can fix NSCollectionView selection behavior once and for all #blip
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Fix random item selection after adding a new pattern #regexforge
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prevent text from stealing focus when command or shift are selected to select items in the collection view #blip
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add text selection on ipad #otter
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fix crash when nscollectionview would sometimes ask for layout attributes for indexPaths that no longer exist after data reload #blip
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add some indexPath helpers to navigate sections #blip
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prevent text selection #ceev
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fix drag too fast selects text #cssscan
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fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
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"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
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figure out how to have text selection take precendence over row selection while still supporting both #blip
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Look into if Apple has fixed scrollTo bug with List() in iOS16 swiftUi #checkyourlist
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fix #readmake stripe elements cursor in wrong place on iOS
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#inweed make edit url more random by reordering seed
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Multiple selection menu (iOS) #gather
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Move drag and drop to UITableView #checkyourlist
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Update randomized store sorting #webdev
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Fix copy alignment on mobile #mumu
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#checkyourlist Fix WatchOS app crashing when reordering or deleting checklist items
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sort copy #mvplist
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