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Fix usage of NSDiffableDataSource by not storing whole items, only stable IDs #blip
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Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
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Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
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fix crash when nscollectionview would sometimes ask for layout attributes for indexPaths that no longer exist after data reload #blip
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Figure out anchored-selection algorythm NSTableView uses so I can fix NSCollectionView selection behavior once and for all #blip
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Figure out scrolling on collection view #mumu
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fix Safari copycat gallery bug #photoai
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#pintura fix overflow bug on iOS
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fix strange safari rendering bug #planeupload
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fix Safari bug with float vacuum #nomads
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fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
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fix core data bug #emoday
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find out how to create fucking collectionViewItem and connect it to collectionView #taggy
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Make custom collectionView layout resize super smooth even with 1000s of items #blip
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bug: app crashes switching between collection and AR too fast #wordvomit
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Troubleshoot iOS bug
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fix Safari bug #munt
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fix ios in-app bug #ytcount
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Fix some core data sync bugs #checkyourlist
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debug issue with CloudKit #checkyourlist
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