Similar todos
👨💻 fun with prisma
set up prisma DB
work on prisma schema #stageprompter
check out Prisma ( as alternative to TypeORM and its voodoo #kornwolf
#pintura write complex prisma query
research drizzleORM vs prisma #aitoolsfor
coffee with founders of Prisma
import prisma in context for job query #cannaboard
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
read the docs for drizzle to replace prisma for planetscale #visiblelight
Write daily: Fixing Prisma PostgreSQL Permission Issue with 👉… #nesinio
Setup Prisma, because I heard GraphQL is cool and I wanna try #minizen
try to set up new db table and get confused with how we're holding Prisma in this project #aiplay
deploy Prisma database
add prisma to graphql Mutations #cannaboard