Similar todos
Setup Apollo and hook it up to my GraphQL API #minizen
Setup basic files for graphql and prisma #unnam
setup now + graphql for the main app #support
Setup typegraphql + sapper for new project #matterloop
set up prisma DB
Started learning GraphQL #life
install prisma and configure it in the server application #cannaboard
Setup GraphQL API with auth. (Yay Prisma!) #appointer
#life2 Familiarize myself with the GraphQL ecosystem
play around with GraphQL
work on prisma schema #stageprompter
play around with graphql
Figure out how Apollo works #minizen
Hook Next.js into Prisma #appointer
try to set up new db table and get confused with how we're holding Prisma in this project #aiplay
deploy Prisma database
Finish "A gentle introduction to GraphQL" #codewithhugo
learn basics of graphql #wip
setup graphql server #collagram