Similar todos
some late project hacking
finish hacktoberfest
/done #building little hackathon this week with myself to solve something I need & haven't seen done properly yet.
start self-hackathon #emoday
meeting for a hackathon #life
applied to weekend build #pw
🎭 muck around with weekend project
start hackathon
discuss an idea to be worked in a hackathon tomorrow
start personal hackathon
plan what I’ll work on at PH hacknight
quick prep/plan session for a side project
weekend hacking on #jsonify
prep fo twitta screenshots for nov 16 2017 work done #producthunthackathon
more product #research and some Saturday evening hacking
Prep for hackathon of tomorrow #work
add settings screen #producthunthackathon
make twitter update on work done Nov 8 2017 #producthunthackathon
ideation for a self-hackathon
checklist for PH Hacknight tomorrow