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- follow up on sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- follow up on sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head [issue](…) ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- followup with sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head [issue](…) ♻ #entrepreneurialeng
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- figure out how to add custom snippet into sphinx-book-theme > learned I can use super() to override the parent theme extrahead to add custom js snippet… +… +… ♻️ #entrepreneurialeng
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- research how the jupyter-book theme works ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- create a custom tagify example as is ✅ #speculatingnewproduct
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add slugs for tag pages #ideasai like…
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- figure out how to fork the django-pattern-library and replace the index page with my own version ✅ #experimentingnewtool
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Learn how script tags and document ready work (
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fix tag component with doing and use fork/own npm packageg of broken tag component. #fullstackjob
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ideas and mockups for tag suggestions #wobaka
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Wordpress theme research + customise one (still wip)
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began implementing tagging like I seen in my 🧠 #producthunthackathon
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almost working scirpt to link relevant articles in text body #aiplay
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create blog tags for interviews #financialtoolbelt
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add tags page #startupjobs
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change tags to search inspired by remote ok #nicheboard
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brainstorm the future of metatags
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seo script #blinkloader2
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tweaks for tags doc #screenhunt2
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