Similar todos
figure out nicer approach to update layout of visible items during live resize and rest after live resize ended #blip
improve layout size section, wrestle with flex-boxes #devsync
create design for resizing in #infinitestories 2.0
Figure out how to correctly provide section headers in custom layout #blip
add dragging to sizing section #devsync
working on layout #boardengine
work on layout stuff #dpj
#pintura make a decision on how to redesign the resize functionality
make section/header/item insets configurable instead of hard coded #blip
fix layout tweaks for new page size #serverlesshandbook
fix issues with some sizing stuff after box-sizing change #optimizetoolset
resize to work with creating objects part2 #wt
make layout responsive #checkoutpage
More work with layout design #oneclicktest
improve layout #luggagelosers
improve layout #profilereview
improve layout #inflationchart