Similar todos
find easy way to bump paperback margins from $3 to $5 #serverlesshandbook
research into publishing paperback #serverlesshandbook
make tiny tweak to amazon description before unpublishing amazon’s paperback #serverlesshandbook
paperback maken #etkes
publish paperback on amazon #serverlesshandbook
fix the upsell margins #upgradeyourphp
contact publisher to get green light for paperback #etkes
proof book from a better/cheaper publisher #serverlesshandbook
deal with gatekeeper complaining about page margins #serverlesshandbook
return book to amazon because pages falling out #life
fix spacing on cover #serverlesshandbook
format BEB - dimensions of paperback book (copy/paste to amazon template) #freelance
Fix pagination margin bug #sketchfordesignrs
improve pricing #checkoutpage
sell some books #kast
bump ebook price after first 100 purchases #seniormindset
Fix up pricing copy #ayht
see sales of book picking up again but still am slacking to finish print version #autonomie