Similar todos
1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week) #enocpop
make a list for the week.
- plan out the next two demos and when i can work on them ✅ #enocpop
3. plan for the long term fixes of bug ✅ #enocpop
reviw and plan week
review/plan week
make a list for next week.
1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week)
2. follow up on finance admin under [[recurring tasks|monthly.journal.2022.01#recurring-tasks]] ✅
4. plan the list for revision for this week [[work.icanstudy.things-to-revise]] ✅
5. solve the data issue regarding support and pcode for package E for pricebook ✅
6. update [[mysql.levelup]] with the new LOCATE clause and REPLACE clause i learn today ✅
7. expired 846 prices in VQP ✅
8. draw a UI sketch for the replacement of person in project ✅
- fix bugs found post-test ✅ #enocpop
- break down the [[]] into tasks ✅ #enocpop
Plan for the weekend work #study #jonga #solofounder
organize and create plan for next week
weekly review + plan for the week #leifinlavida
- breakdown the main task into 6 smaller next steps ✅ (5 data points plus iterate) #enocpop
week review and plan for upcoming week
plan tasks for next week #lightbox
- prepare for friday go live ✅ #enocpop
Prepare a TODO list for next week.