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fix new meetups not posted on Slack because slack_access_token for user @nomadlist not right, use general API token instead #nomads
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Fix issue where bot id wasn't saved in database resulting in errors for other slack workspaces than my own #sparkly
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fix a slack bot
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fix personal Slack API token used instead of @nomadbot Slack API token in config.php on #nomads after revoking token due to leaking it on Twitch (for @grum)
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fix Slack won’t take user admin tokens anymore to do admin tasks, so try use Slack API tokens instead #nomads
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add slackbot
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make postTripsToSlack use slack_access_token and use user's account to post arrival message instead of impersonating them as Slackbot APP #nomads
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#banjo Fix bug where Slack user would add reaction, Bot would reaction in Discord and because reaction was added in Discord, Bot would add another reaction in Slack
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add check if Slack user is using legacy token from 2020 not 2021 #nomads
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fix 1 of 2 known auth token bugs #mezcal
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Fix slack registration bug #nextplease
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#slackdiscord make sure to use correct token when message updated, so that messages sent with as_user in Slack can be edited
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fixed if missing content for slack notification #webhookhq
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replace slack-node with official slack webhook library to fix occasional duplicate notifications #checkoutpage
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fix clunky meetup errors when organizing new meetup if a user doesn’t have the right Slack auth tokens or isn’t in the location channel and it would fatal error, now just let Nomad List bot post meetup messages instead of as_user #nomads
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whitelist slackbot replies because Slack changed it so that subtype=bot_message for auto responses is now slackbot_response #nomads
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check if slack user id exists before enabling or disabling slack in API to avoid error #nomads
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don’t redirect users to Slack to re-auth tokens for 2020 #nomads
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#slackdiscord Fix issue with messages in Slack beign attached to the wrong user
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fix bug where people got eachother's usernames on #nomads because we used index of array as Slack ID instead of key of associative array (with @daniellockyer)
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