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Communicated with the Confluence specialist I hired on Upwork to get my wiki working again. #rhymecraft
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Sent the Confluence specialist the account info he needed to get support from Atlassian to get my wiki working again. #rhymecraft
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Worked with the Confluence specialist some more to migrate my wiki to the cloud. #rhymecraft
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Posted a job on Upwork asking for help getting Confluence working again. #rhymecraft
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Checked in with the Confluence freelancer, although I'm honestly thinking I should just host the wiki myself. #rhymecraft
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Trying to get the wiki working :( #rhymecraft
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Moved the #rhymecraft wiki to my personal Confluence account b/c Atlassian was going to delete it for inactivity, and I don't want that ever happening:…
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Finally got a working redirect from /wiki to my Atlassian wiki. #rhymecraft
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#heavymachinery add wiki
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Filed a support ticket with Atlassian to get the Rhymecraft wiki up-and-running again. #rhymecraft
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#nagel Have my Confluence account fixed after 1.5 years of it being broken
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update internal wiki #honesttribe
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Spent an hour reviewing my wiki for possible tasks to work on. #rhymecraft
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Installed MySQL locally (macOS), tested the SQL connection with test values, installed Sequel Pro, then enabled mod_rewrite, made .htaccess work through „AllowOverride All“ in the config and turned on SSL/HTTPS through openssl - that was all very technical and not really progress but was necessary, this guide helped me:… #naii
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Somehow managed to figure out how to get access to my personal Jira again
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get mysql working again after xampp ballache
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📝 bootstrap all the missing wiki sections #berty
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🐘 fixed a weird missing port number issue on my database connections. Everything is back up and running again.
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🔛 migrate wiki from github to notion (part 1/2) #berty
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Got the repo moved to my other Atlassian account (that I use for Confluence). #rhymecraft
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