LinkedIn Automation AI-powered ChatGPT
customer friendly follow up #linkedincrm
#linkedincrm updated description, send for some reviewes
research ImMail feature for #linkedincrm
added implementation for finding phones by linkedin url #linkedincrm
customer support #linkedincrm #docgptai
add promo of Linkedin Ext into add-ons #linkedincrm
working on auto-liking latest posts of linkedin profile #linkedincrm
minor fixes for Linkedin Automation Extension #linkedincrm
add importing from csv of linkedin profiles for #linkedincrm
passed review for Chrome Extensions - Linkedin CRM (bulk outreach, + navigator sale support) #linkedincrm
re-submitted #linkedincrm (narrow scopes requested)
new release #linkedincrm still in review
Built release and sent for review #linkedincrm
improve popup instrustraction #linkedincrm
added collecting emails on first exectution Chrome Extension #linkedincrm
added integration with Sales Navigator for Chrome Plugin: Linkedin Automation #linkedincrm
seo for #linkedincrm (lead gen tool)
recorded a demo video for #linkedincrm
#linkedincrm done with a script draft for a demo video
#linkedincrm second install from Google Chrome Store, writte to the user directly for feedback