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Replace activecampaign abandon cart automation with automatewoo #chocolab
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Cancel activecampaign #chocolab
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Fix abandon cart emails #chocolab
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Replace activecamapgin review email with automatewoo #chocolab
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add abandoned cart app #dvlpr
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Add cart abondonment emails #knit
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change #nomads save email for abandoned cart email to do it when [ Join Nomad List ] is clicked not before because @dominiksobe thought it was unethical to do it after people typed it but didn’t press Join yet
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Fix abandon cart email not showing cart #chocolab
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Clean up activecampaign inactive automations #chocolab
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#web3jobs added automatic abandoned cart emails after 2.5 years of sending them manually
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build abandoned cart type email robot that sends email with discount if ppl don’t complete sign up (only once) #nomads
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Switch from ActiveCampaign to ConvertKit #landingfolio #convertwell
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make abandoned cart email robot for #remoteok which sends the Stripe Checkout link if not paid within 5 minutes
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fix abandoned cart email would not send the discount code used in URL to finish payment #remoteok
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Disable cart functionality #webdev
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finish remarketing email robot #photoai for abandoned cart because for Nomad List it adds 14% revenue
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remove old mailchimp campaign integration from codebase #betalist
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increase abandoned cart discount from 20% to 30% for growth #interiorai #photoai
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send abandoned cart email twice, first 1 hour after sign up, then 24 hours after sign up #interiorai #photoai
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cancel aweber account
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