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Add sticky bottom navigation on mobile #wip
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remove sticky bar on top #blog
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make sticky info bar horizontally scrollable #financialtoolbelt
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Add bottom bar navigation #sane
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Implement new bottom bar #checkyourlist
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make sidebar sticky #adultify
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add fixed postition and scrollbars #yesvg
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Continue changes with bottom bar and adding items #checkyourlist
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floating bar #plantenboek
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make timeline sidebar sticky #prototypr
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Add bottom bar on mobile for native app-feel #visiondirectory
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make position:sticky; floating filters actions bar work without JS #nomads
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add bottom navbar #nomadplacemap
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remove sticky sidebar, it’s shite #sketchfordesignrs
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change sticky nav behaviour #contracting
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fix bottom tab #rewardsflights
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fixed bottom bar for result control (this took 2.5 hours) #redash
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add how it works section #sticky
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#threader2 add status bar on thread view (and allow tap to return to the top)
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add search bar to #hoodmaps top always
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