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Begin to learn Unity ECS
install unity and try to make a game
Research some Unity computer shaders for an old game prototype #splatterock
Continue Unreal Engine- exploring VR game
Playing with Unreal Engine 5.3.1
Playing with Unreal Engine 5.3.1
Finish prototype for game jam and learn unreal engine paper2D
Experiment with Unreal Engine
Finish tutorial for VR dev using Unreal engine
Watch Unity & C# tutorials #guild
Finish 4hrs unreal engine tutorial to create platformer game
More baked lighting experiments in Unity 💡 #theportal
start taking 124-lesson course on skillshare to learn Unity & C# #guild
Updated my Categorized Raycast Extensions repo…
test gltf format for 3D objects (does raycasting work better?)
write about hard dev parts, esp using WebGLCubeRenderTarget to project onto mesh environment map for transition between 360 images #mused…
get vr version working w/o sdk #mused
get started with unity tutorials
Updated my Categorized Raycast Extensions repo 🚀…