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remove/archive my stopped projects from #naii - these ones: #emailcopywriter and #superresponder and move them to Basecamp
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remove/archive my stopped projects from #naii - these ones: #emailcopywriter and #superresponder and move them to Basecamp
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Clean out my WIP profile from dead projects and todos.
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tidy up my backlog of to-dos #naii
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#life Clean out old webserver that used to host client projects but now only hosts one friends website
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Finished adding all my projects to WIP
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Clean up or archive old #oss projects and brainfarts
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saying goodbye to for now, cutting expenses
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bye bye to client #emailcopywriter
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remove the last bit of copy unrelated to email copywriting - again: the point is to have clarity about my service offering for the reader (and it helps me keep clarity as well) #copywritingdelivery
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Clean WIP profile of outdated pending todos and projects. Back to the drawing board. #life2
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clean up stuff
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add *new* copywriting portfolio 2020 to my index page #naii #emailcopywriter
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delete analytics for old and unused websites so I only check 5 pages (blog, yelmair and 3 book websites) #minimalism
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last day of 5th sabbatical - did a mix of going through the email copywriting by chris, eating, relaxing, bugfixing my #copywritingdelivery page
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Added my projects to
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cleanup and archive old projects
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send daily email #emailcopywriter (it’s my last email in 2020 due to a 1-week time-off starting tomorrow) #laif
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🔥 deleted two dozen+ Herkou apps from projects and experiments that I haven't touched in years. #mylife
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#life Clean up DO droplet and remove old projects that are no longer active
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