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🤖 more AI writing project
💼 drafted opengraph tags for the job website and I came up with a better system to buffer/approve field updates from a bunch of bots I wrote that manage it.
🤖 moved standup bot to docker #bots
🤖 built a new code generator tool when I wasn't driving today. #mylife
📌 🤖 updated my pinboard bot to handle links and pull their tags #mylife
🤖 still sick but played with playwright and developed a pretty cool bot framework. might use that to automate more common tasks #mylife
worked on a new field tracking system for job website so I can track which updates which bots/scripts make to fields
🤖 used the new feed aggregator feature to help track 7 or 8 blog posts for this weeks' newsletter #djangonews
🤖 Wrote a git commit message bot using an LLM to create better commit messages #research
worked out some rough spots in my to-be-named github app/bot
🤖 worked on discord scheduling bot (more like inbox but bot works too) for #djangocon
🤖 working on a few automations with the cog app #mylife
finishing up some local automation/piplines to help keep projects updated with less effort #mylife
make giant monthly cron robot that loads every city page on hoodmaps to read the by JS calculated hipster center from the console, then saves it to DB so that it then is pre-set in the JS page, so that client doesn’t have to do the heavy calculations to find hipster center but it just shows #hoodmaps
🚜 revamped a #djangocon automation project and created a new repo to for a new framework