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add News button #wordvomit
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add news pages
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Post News #mapmelon
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Post News #mapmelon
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Post News #mapmelon
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added latest news to #remoteworkvisas country pages
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Split out news pages
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added option for "industry news" to experiment with more content #findyourcto
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added dashboard news #sponsorgap
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Redesign/create the 'News from' section in Figma #txf
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added little news container to the #sponsorgap dashboard
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In admin's "newsletter messages" overview, add a link back to the newsletter it was included in #betalist
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pushed some new changes to controls types of news on the homepage #djangonews
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add news page #everr
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Make a list of all outlets to source news from #txf
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added read section for notifications #indielog
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post today's trending news #stackbrief + add last newsletter edition link to homepage
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add search on top of the news tab #kmbappe
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Add a "Recent writings" section below the article for readers to discover other articles in the blog easily #vanilla
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try new subheadline "Discover new apps, tools, services, and websites." instead of "An official place for companies to share their products updates" #whatsnew
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