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Spend hours trying to figure out a washing machine with 20x the features of my old machine and WiReLeSs CoNnEcTiViTy 🤡 #life
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waste 3 fucking hours in the bank
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waste 3 hours trying to fix a bug, will resume tomorrow #shipr
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Spent an hour trying to figure out what I should work on next.
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try to et MoCa to work, waste another hour
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wasted 1 hour fixing a bug because I was using localhost:3001 instead of localhost:3000 #ship30
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get stuck fixing a bug for an hour :! #fashion
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spend 4 hours figuring out how to upscale better #photoai
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waste four hours trying to get an inactive twitter handle
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Spend way too many hours trying to configure a Linux box as my rails server, without any success. I’m worthless, all my life has been a big lie.
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Spent 90 minutes trying to figure out what I should do next for #cmx1course
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stare at code for 2 hours trying to figure out how to implement something 😓 #blip
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spend 2 hours making little to no progress on this damn error #blog2
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spend 3 hours trying to find .com or .co for new product #fail
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be an noob and make a mistake that took all morning to fix #webtastic
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spend 2 days working on a useless feature 🥲 #clippulse
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spend 4 hours trying to solve a simple MongoDB query to find out I had an non working mongoose version 🤦🏻‍♂️ #convertwell
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waste half a day dealing with DMV bullshit
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waste 10 minutes looking at domains that I don't need
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fix bug that took my whole afternoon away #csspro
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