Similar todos
added user changeable emoji profile images #skillmap
#hw added flag emoji to profiles and usernames
respond to emojis card #echothread
add sortable to message list #smartypantsbot
Go through list and sort by gender with #femake
Sort friends list by name
Make emoji game v0 overnight #playemojis
Reproduce unintuitive case and start spiking out more intuitive message order (…)
add @yongfook's Votemojo to #nomads…
Make members list sortable #superforum
not perfect but added an emoji keyboard to profile emoji field #skillmap
PR: Activate queue message behavior for more intuitive message order…
Create initial message list layout UI #drippi
[Automated via open.jaen]
sort my todo’s #wip
#threader2 replace lock emojis on profile with icon
reordering items #countdown