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📝 I wrote about Django Ninja today…
🍔 built a project scraper over lunch that I don't hate. I used sqlite-utils with mixed results. might just port it back to django and call it a day
Excavate 10 years old project sources on Rails 2 🙀 #epihu
rewrote my project upgrade bot so I can start integrating with Django
Decide if Django is compatible and easily usable with small projects (it is, gonna use Django now in everything)
🎂 Django turned 15 years old today… #mylife
more Django deployment work. #mylife
✏️ updated the upgrade django website project #mylife
more #djangopackages work including a Django 3.2 upgrade
dusted off my deploy django project and got it semi-up and running
refactored new project to use django-q and hooks which made the project start to update itself more than I was updating it.
📝 Adds Django 6.1 to #upgradedjango
dusted off another old project, cleaned it up, updated it, and got it on github #mylife
published top Django packages I like to use post
catching up on upgrade django and some other work projects #revsys
revive old project
deep dived into a django/python porting project and got quite a bit more done than I expected to. #mylife
researched how to boost Django contrib search but didn't quite find a good workaround #lfk