Similar todos
Migrate from Bash to zsh.
#life Go back to zsh after 6mo of using fish
re-set-up zsh etc #studydev
configure zsh
Ditch fish shell and reactivate zsh
move over to zsh and reconfigure alias's #life
🚜 refactored my dotfiles #dotfiles
🚜 swapped out bun for npm/npx on a bunch of projects ✨
added bash command to #herokualfredworkflow
#life Switch to as primary terminal emulator
configure iTerm with zsh and cobalt theme
#life tweet about why I switched to Ruby…
finally add the alias that I wanted to .zshrc for things I start and stop every single damn day manually
set stripe keys to .bash for dummy test
🚜 switching all of my node, npm, npx, etc tooling to use instead because it's SO MUCH easier.
🚜 reworked my writing setup and pulled in the various scripts that I have had scattered over several repos
sync edit from back to (just enough bash to be dangerous) #codewithhugo
🚜 transitioned from one testing library to another which was recently renamed #conf
Use shx for cross-platform shell commands #devhub