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tested out and bought a video player.
bought a second logitech webcam with the idea that I can show myself writing on a piece of paper on my desktop with one webcam and show my face with the other one (FAANG interviews)
#hardcoreyear upload video to YouTube of today’s stream…
tested to implement video to #growthhacklist via loom
write blog about tips for video stuff #blog2
Video upload
set up recording for live stream #linefm
record video about Phoenix LiveView
Watch @bardonadam stream
#hardcoreyear save video from Twitch and upload to YouTube
stream more #shaunlol work
record video about JSX #learnwhileyoupoop
Build a setup so I can stream tomorrow.
fw: display live video on tap/gaze #kevaid
Live streaming for the first time #2monthnomad…