Similar todos
Updated the color scheme to red because I think it has way more emotion involved than that emerald green color I was using before #unblockdomains
played around with colors #shipr
🎨 Updated homepage to use new color scheme. (yay, tailwindcss) #djangonews
colour palette #fajarsiddiq
Finalize a few of the colored components (for now because I found it quite hard as I created a background gradient that animates) #creativity
#magictellers making a bit more colorful that LP
#home Yet more painting
color palette + finish color picker #cssscan
pick color palette #collagram
Slightly adjust the color palette #formkite
#UA finalize color palette ffs
use better color palette #kubiko
Finalized color pallette #londonfog
implemented new color palette + improved initial CSS styling #ramsay
Make a final final final decision on colour scheme #givewithella
try another color palette