simplify Promise handling #kubiko
debug auth getter #kubiko
re-open stripe account #kubiko
re-open auto-entrepreneur status in Paris #kubiko
handle meta tags on blog #kubiko
design base blog post page and retriveve content from butterCMS #kubiko
add buttercms to front and POC blog post #kubiko
add ButterCMS to footer and ask them for free plan #kubiko
Add Crisp to front #kubiko
add Sentry to front and back #kubiko
Add Analytics to front #kubiko
add JWT refresh mutations #kubiko
revamp signup with auto-login system #kubiko
revamp login with two tokens system #kubiko
switch JWT to 2 tokens system: auth + refresh #kubiko
fix refresh token server-side #kubiko
fix refresh token on front #kubiko
implement signup on front and Vuex #kubiko
implement signup activation or totally bypass it #kubiko
implement basic signup flow #kubiko