Similar todos
write Django models #pleaseremindme
🚜 finished porting all of the major models and pages on #lfk to Django
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
🐍 worked on a new python + django in the Fortune 500 project today as a soone to be released spreadsheet as a website data project #fortune500
🐘 build a Django database router to find wayback data in the correct database
🐘 more testing on Django Deploy and refactoring of the celery code #mylife
🐘 finished up a DB model/schema for logging command runs #djangopackges
added a story processor and models to store docs into the database via django
⬆️ upgraded trail running website to Django 3.2 and added imported json records to each import result
study django #studydev
⬆️ updated a client's website from Django 1.11 + DRF to the latest/greated today #revsys
finished porting website to Django 3.0 and Python 3.7 #mylife
get my django models to work together #dpj
⬆️ Upgraded two website from Django 1.7 to 2.0 #mylife
✨ adds django-moderation support events and user editable models #conf
🔨 built out a Django, Python, and Wagtail readiness feature and PR'ed it #djangopackages
🚜 Converted static project to Django #fortune500
🐘 added post and category models for news app #djangonews