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Work 14 hours straight because I ate a whole package of chocolate/coffee wafer sticks and got hopped up on caffeine. #cleanexam
buy protein bars #life
Ingest massive amounts of caffeine to start the day
Went to a cafe I've never been to before and took a 220mg caffeine pill to power through my procrastination to start working on #rhymecraft again
Wake up after 6 hours and still be high on the caffeine from those chocolate/coffee wafer sticks 24 hours ago. #gogogo #cleanexam
Actually buy food after not eating for two days (besides an ungodly amount of espresso) #life
Bought protein powder #life
Found a potentially-superior caffeine regimen of 1 coffee upon waking, then (some hours later) a 50mg "Caffeine+" pill that has additional vitamins and amino acids that caffeine apparently drains from the body (L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, and B-vitamins), then a second coffee later.
Did a full Pieter-style workday, 2 coffees, 2 caffeine pills, >300mg caffeine, ~9hrs, now going for a massage b/c my back hurts and I feel exhausted. IDK if I could keep this pace up for a year or more.
Bought coffee for the most incompatible coffee machine in the Universe, despite I don’t drink caffeine since 1998, because I might start taking small doses of caffeine to become the überproductive indie hacker I used to be and I’m not anymore and turn into an addict and survive three heart attacks and then quit and write and sell books teaching how I quit and become a millionaire #life
Get caffeine
recover from WIP + chocomel hangover
Refined my caffeine regimen: 1 coffee, set an alarm for 3hrs, then 1 Caffeine+ pill, set an alarm for 90 mins, then a second coffee, then 3hrs later a final Caffeine+
Using a countdown timer to take caffeine at a specific rate has turned out to be an absolutely huge productivity boost. I set an alarm for 1.5hrs past a 50mg Caffeine+ pill, 3hrs for a ~100mg cup of coffee. W/o the timer I delay re-upping and slip into Twittering/YouTubing for hours without noticing it.