Similar todos
fix CSS of on /work-with-me page so that apply button looks great in every browser size #copywritingdelivery
add new detail to my copywriting/testing process - 3 best shots -… #copywritingdelivery
CSS beautifying (which of course takes ages) #copywritingdelivery
change copywriting #csspro
worked on deliverable 1 for a prospect client (about text plus extras) #copywritingdelivery
edit copywriting #fajarsiddiq
deliver deliverable 1 to prospective client #copywritingdelivery
update copywriting #csspro
more copywriting #reactd32018
improve copy #csspro
cleanup css + fix copy #nomadgears
update copywriting on both landing and checkout page #cssscan
more design work for 1st article - lots of work #copywritingexamples
Client work Tuesday - sales-page progress #emailcopywriter
practice copywriting #mindbody
fix copy css #csspro
orga work and un petit client work (tired) #copywritingdelivery
client work #emailcopywriter
remove the last bit of copy unrelated to email copywriting - again: the point is to have clarity about my service offering for the reader (and it helps me keep clarity as well) #copywritingdelivery