Similar todos
Add back timestamps in chat messages #albertbro
Fix time in chat #simpleanalytics (via @denemio)
updated #research to better handle adding custom context to chat messages. lots of cleanup too,
added steps for #instabotgpt dashboard chats
added conversations/chat to group rooms #mj
Update recent chat design #coindeck
Add multiple chats support #fridaygpt
add create chat messages #hour
do some math/probabilities all morning to improve the distribution of WebSocket connections on #crisp chatbox servers, due to poorly balanced load with our old non-mathematically compliant hash method
Start exploring ways to solve real-time sync problem with the chats #sitegpt
fix pushing webchat updates to the chat #support
worked on persisting chat for logged in users #albertbro
added supporting customer's email in chat history
Add chat back in #simpleanalytics
add online chat to #gramup
add chat feature #hour