Similar todos
figure out why I don't receive any emails #startupjobs
fixed notification notices not sending out #wi
research a bit of how to do notifications #prototypr
work on notifications #spectate
Ask Crisp support why they aren't sending me email notifications even with email notifications enabled (it's a gmail account so shouldn't be any mail routing issues, already checked spam folder, etc). h/t @marc for sending me a live chat which caused me to realize I never received it after 3 days, only found it when I manually checked my Crisp inbox 😬 #watchdog !private
#threader2 fix notifications (some ppl not receiving them)
#slackdiscord Help @levelsio figure out why welcome message was not being sent
improve notifications #perspectiva
#spotgetter 🤷 test email notifications
Work on notification settings #nomeattoday
Fix bug where admin notifications (with Push More) wouldn't arrive #startupjobs
fix Notification bug #hour
Improve notification behavior #happycam
Working on notifcations, #milki
fix notification issue #splashme