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🐳 Upgrades Docker and Python to 3.7.2 #conf
🐳 automated docker build process. push images now reloads in production. automation ftw 🤖
🐳 worked on a better docker volume backup schema with mixed results #servers
🐳 rebuilt docker image using the python 3.10 image
🐳 updated project bootstrapping setup and cleaned up some of the .env variables and docker configs #djangopackages
🐳 I shaved off another 100M by switching to a multi-stage Docker build (originally from 1.1GB to 316MB #concord
🐳 sketched out Dockerfiles for a new python and django OSS project #mylife
🐳 more Django Docker work #research
🐳 published my django dockerfiles to test out. code to follow later #mylife
🐳 switched my ci/deploy process completely over to GitHub Actions and GitHub Package Registry #conf
🐳 re-worked my Django Dockerfiles project and I'm now generating 15 Docker images in just under 2 minutes #mylife
🐳 working on a docker based starter kit #revsys
🐳 updated Docker images to not run migrate and collectstatic by default. This speeds up launch time by 1000x #conf
🐳 Adds the Tailwind CSS CLI Build binary to my Dockerfile to speed everything up (no more node) #jobs
ansible docker deploy
🐳 finished a new set of Dockerfiles which are optimzied for Django 1.11 to 3.0 and Python 3.7 which makes development easier #mylife
🐳 refactored docker compose files to pin to latest postgres and redis versions #conf