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add tailwind to django #homestretch
setup django project #archifaults
⬆️ upgraded Django from 3.0 to 3.1 #djangonews
finish django tut on static files #studydev
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django
get my django models to work together #dpj
fix django layout #avocadojobs
- write steps in how to run django app to meet M. in terms of getting the tailwind to run ✅ #greendeploy
start new django project in pycharm #languagelol
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
more bootstrapping work and trying to log/track everything via Django which is very meta for deploying Django in Django #mylife
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.0
learn to set up postgres in django
jumpstarted the porting project to a mostly working Django 3.0 setup. Only one more minor version to go. #mylife
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.1
Wednesday python/django client work #revsys
🚀 shipped #awesomedjango
Tuesday python/django client work #revsys