Similar todos
Tuesday python/django client work #revsys
Monday python/django api client work at #revsys
study django #studydev
stream django coding #homestretch
Friday #revsys client work and fighting a weird pytest-django issue. Joy.
Experiment with Python for upcoming client #matterloop
get my django models to work together #dpj
⬆️ updated a client's website from Django 1.11 + DRF to the latest/greated today #revsys
set up Django #wandlimb
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django
finish study django view tests #studydev
hookup to django backend
working on some JS socket + django channels app #mylife
worked on a blueprint for Django server project including some light model work #mylife
study django view tests #studydev
boring week. finishing up client work and porting a big application from old django to newer django #revsys
finish django basic tut #studydev