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#requestbot Make super quick logo so I have something to put on the landing page
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#requestbot Rough out explanation section of landing page
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#requestbot Put landing page up on
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#requestbot Tweet about the landing page (…)
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#requestbot Whip up hero section of landing page
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help @Erwin0 today make his landing page more visual for #sparkly Slack bot
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add illustration to landing page #popshare
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add some colour to landing page #checkoutpage
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Landing page imagery added #larametrics
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improved landing page for #zeropercent with illustrations, font tweaks 🤙
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Finish illustrations for the new landing page #domainwatchman
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improve landing page #airbot
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improve landing page #airbot
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#pn update landing page with text explaining what the bot is about
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Add a nice and green landing page #venturecost
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work on landing page, add illustrations #vuecourse
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make landing page more spicy 🌶 #muteintercom
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create illustrations for the #placid landing page
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Design landing page for the bot
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made landing page prettier #buildlimit
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