Similar todos
figure out how to avoid apple fees on the appstore
Manage to sign the app via Xcode without manual hacks #recadio
learn how to deploy an app to my own iphone for 7 days without an $99/yr apple developer account using free provisioning
learn how to deploy an app to my own iphone for 7 days without an $99/yr apple developer account using free provisioning
Test out smol developer on building an iOS app #aiexperiments
Compile iOS app #tortuba
start building my first ios app
figuring out the special hell that Apple IDs are and trying to consolidate a few things
Learn App Store thingy
Download my own iOS app for the first time
pay apple €99 so I can notarize the app .............. #blip
Get approved by App Store
#hardcoreyear write a blog post about apple developer id…
Continue fighting with Apple certificates for #recadio