Crossed 300€ in sales! #recadio
Made a sale, and it's been 3 this week 🎉 #recadio
Finish working on the new landing for #recadio
mostly day out, but work a bit on #recadio landing after more than a week!
Play with svg filters to add some spice to #recadio landing
Play around with Web Audio API for #recadio landing
Code a demo of how #recadio improves bluetooth audio for the landing
Finish the updates on the blog tech and start with an improved landing #recadio
Continue improving #recadio blog at a technical level
work on supporting posts versions for #recadio blog (might open source)
Get over $100 total revenue with #recadio
Get a mention on gigazine dot net, which converted to a sale #recadio
Post on Indie Hackers about how it went submitting a post to HackerNews #recadio
Reach the top article on HackerNews with the post I published today at #recadio blog
Get 2nd post of #recadio blog to a decent state. Ready for review
Continue working on 2nd post for #recadio blog
Spend way to much time writing the second post for #recadio blog
Write a bit more of #recadio second post, but mostly spent day with family because it's a holiday here
start writing the second post for #recadio blog
Do some research about Bluetooth codecs to write a post in #recadio blog despite still feeling a bit under the weather