Similar todos
loading customizations and messages in webchat #support
wrote post about new webchat feature… #support
create custom themes for chat
setup forms to customize webchat: headline, primary color, privacy link #support
webchat styling, CSS, etc. #support
write blog post about tech stack #support…
writing a blog post. still trying to find proper words / language… #support
styling improvements to chat page as a whole #skillmap
design tweaks to chatpanel #skillmap
change looks and feel of chat widget #competeai
Customize video chat screen as well as buttons
Add basic styling to chat #buildinpublic
#sheet2site change Custom scripts like facebook messenger bot ->
Custom scripts like a Facebook Messenger bot
webchat widget frontend #support
Adding the option to customize chat message actions #boltai
Change colors and fonts as per chatbot settings in new chat ui #sitegpt
Wrote blog post about #pl
deploy modernized #crisp chatbox css code