Similar todos
Adding intial styling to video chat room #downtotalk
redesigning the whole video call room page and adding text chat to it on sketch #downtotalk
creating initial layout for video chat room #downtotalk
loading customizations and messages in webchat #support
finish intial layout for chat section in video room #downtotalk
create custom themes for chat
Change colors and fonts as per chatbot settings in new chat ui #sitegpt
Finished video chat landing page #indielog
short blog post about customizations #support…
change looks and feel of chat widget #competeai
Add initial hangouts like layout for the video call #downtotalk
Adding the option to customize chat message actions #boltai
design for video edit screen of #infinitestories 2.0
design tweaks to chatpanel #skillmap
Add video controls #clippulse
Redesign video uploader #pacaom
Add basic styling to chat #buildinpublic