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Fix follow button, because Elon broke the intents #buildinpublic
Try affiliate link to monetize the Twitter account #buildinpublic
See scheduled tweets get decent engagement #buildinpublic
Pass 20,000 followers even though I stopped tweeting anything cuz Elon made the API too expensive #buildinpublic
Create "Supporter" plan to hopefully help cover the costs of the paid Twitter API, so we can use that… #buildinpublic
Create Stripe account #buildinpublic
See Twitter blocked our API access 😢 #buildinpublic
Reach 10,000 followers #buildinpublic
Reach 8,000 Twitter followers #buildinpublic
Add $299/mo sponsorship option to try and monetize #buildinpublic
Make WIP promo prettier #buildinpublic
Reach 7,000 followers on Twitter #buildinpublic
Automatically retweet most popular tweets without requiring my manual review, because I never have time for it #buildinpublic
Make viral loop mechnism where users need to retweet and comment to get their year-in-review card sent #buildinpublic
Make "year in review" cards #buildinpublic
Analyze #buildinpublic growth over last 36 months
Get first non-testing chat message #buildinpublic
Add basic styling to chat #buildinpublic
Prototype a super simple web-based chat #buildinpublic
Create second Twitter List because we filled the first one (5,000+ members) #buildinpublic