
What other communities do you belong to?

Online or offline. No wrong answers. Just curious what other communities you join online and participate in.

Communities is such a broad term.
"Offline" private group chats for activities & sports etc. these are groups with people I live in the same city with to coordinate things to do, or send shit-memes.

Otherwise Coding Scrimba and The Odin Project on Discord and Telegram Groups for Tech & Crypto

I agree that communities is a broad term. Mostly just curious how/where most people here in WIP find their tribes.

Ah and I was in Slack Groups for Digital Nomads while I was traveling last winter this one is really active for Fuerteventura and the canaries, but not so in other places.
And I'm in Fb Groups related to travelling.

I mostly frequent in communities related to tech I am using, like programming languages and frameworks like IHP Slack, Elm Slack, NixOs Discourse etc. Plus Twitter related to same topics if that counts.

I'm in a number of private Telegram groups, but those are more "friend group" than "community"

Besides that I'm in a few NFT-related Discords. Primarily the PROOF Discord which is token-gated, so it's more of a tight-knit community than those hyper-active open-for-all Discords.

Other than that I don't think I'm part of any online or offline communities. I occasionally jump into the Nomad List Slack when I have a travel-related question. But nomads as a group is too broad for me to really feel a connection.

I used to visit co-working spaces, which are a nice way to find a local community when traveling.

A private telegram group related to crypto

I'm in Indie Hackers BR Telegram group, and some tech related groups, mostly python local communities. Big telegram groups tend to be just spam, so I dropped from all those.

I am active on Reddit, LinkedIn and offline network of startups in my city.
