
Why is this a terrible product idea?

Dear WIP, I want to launch a thing in September. Please tell me why it’s a dumb idea.

Serverless React Academy

It’s a revamp of my ServerlessReact.Dev course which sold really well, but isn’t delivering on its promise the way I’d like.

The learning curve is too steep and folks aren’t making it through. My approach to making videos better and faster to watch also fell flat and made them harder to learn from instead.

So here’s how Serverless React Academy would fix that:

- more hand holding
- supportive community of peers
- better break down of topics

It would be delivered as a series of online workshops. You get more hands-on support through the exercises and encouragement to stick to it and learn stuff.

So basically you pay $790 and get 4 modules of exercises:

1. Intro to the modern stack
2. GraphQL
3. Build a jamstack frontend
4. Build a serverless backend

(the current course is structured as “Lets build a big thing together”)

Why is this a terrible idea?