
If you had 1 year of money and a business that's growing, but maybe not, would you take the plunge even if failure means you're at $0 after?

Yes, it isn't like you'd be unemployable after 12 month.

Looking for a job when you're at $0 and the rent's due sounds like just about the worst sort of stress a person can go through short of medical issues.

I get that but I thought you wouldn't have a problem finding new job. And will you be on zero? Maybe you can grind for 6 months to give yourself more savings if you need to job hunt?

One thing that kills me is Regret. So I suggest you to take the Grandpa Test.

Imagine, you're very old, sitting in a wheelchair & think about this very moment, would you regret not taking the plunge? If you're gonna regret it even a little at some later point in time then do it now. You'd be happy that you tried & failed rather than just not trying enough. That goes for everything in life. You just gotta keep putting in the work.

For example - Take a look at Gary Vee. I mean who the hell would have thought selling beers on YouTube would make you a multi-millionaire but he did it because he kept at it.

Watch Regret Is Poison because you know he says it better.

Personal story - I did it. I didn't take a job after graduating. That was last year 1st June when it all got over. I have made a lot less money than I could've by taking a 9-5 job. Still haven't made my startup dream come true. I was busy watching The Walking Dead & many other shows but I still worked on other things & learnt a ton of shit. So $0 doesn't always mean complete utter failure, it means you know what doesn't work for you. For me, watching TV shows doesn't work LOL so I reduced from 1 show / day to 1 show / week 😂

All the best on your future endeavours 👍

Do things you won't regret

I love this advice. Avoiding regret is great advice.

The question of course is which path you'll regret more. There's always something to regret about the other path and life does not as of yet allow us to A/B test.

If at the end of the year you'd be at $0, you'd know a few months in advance that that's the case, right? So you could course correct? So you wouldn't have to hit zero?

Me personally, I make sure I always have at least 3 months basic living expenses in the bank. So I'd do whatever I need to to always have that buffer.

(And thus I lead a pretty risky work life, and with my buffer philosophy, I can.)

Most risk-takers find ways to mitigate their risk. Here are some questions that might clarify thinking:

• Are there ways to grow the business while also working a main gig?
• Are there indicators that more time can help you grow the business to sustain you soon?

It's a highly contextual question, but rationally I think it's a poor idea to "take a plunge" unless you have a lot of safety nets in place and that most risk has been accounted for.