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Yes you could do it this way. Explicitly say 2 weeks free trial, no Credit Card required and manually follow up after 2 weeks. This allows you to have feedback from freeriders on launch day

Launch ASAP. Change your db only when it is a problem. The priority is traction, when you have traction you will worry about scaling :)

Less and less effective because people get used to gimmicks, but if you have a strong connection with your audience it's worth it.
You control the timing and the medium.
Also you don't rely on Google/FB that could close your account anytime.

I see it more as a reminder. So it would be highlighted among all the other todos on web, and wipbot would ping you to tell you you must complete that task today

I was using evernote, now Dynalist = nested bullet points. I wouldnt use audio.

1) Ask nicely as @Yuko did
2) Offer to buy it
3) Shady, but if the account is old and unused you could spam report it with multiple accounts, hoping for it to get banned by twitter. Then you could re-register it. But that's theoretical. Never done it myself.