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yes, I think you need to change profile image in telegram and then do /refresh in the chat

correct, I think you could get around that by replacing #life19 with a more "designed" [Life], as if it's markdown. Does that make sense?

Ah yes. I plan on replacing @username mentions with avatar + full name. Could do something similar for product hashtags.

You can also make a distinction between visual name and how it's used across the site, by letting names be not-unique but giving each product a slug (productname, productname-1, productname-2).

Then people can have the same name but they're still separate entities.

When mentioning a product in a comment, you could then show a dropdown to select the product that you mean.

life-19 would be a pretty sick url

Yeah (visual) names would still be non-unique.

But if the hashtag were unique, you'd need to use something like #life19 to refer to your life "product". For example when adding a todo through Telegram.

On the website we could indeed have an auto-complete dropdown so this wouldn't be a real issue.

correct, I think you could get around that by replacing #life19 with a more "designed" [Life], as if it's markdown. Does that make sense?

Ah yes. I plan on replacing @username mentions with avatar + full name. Could do something similar for product hashtags.

I have a couple of those on my laptop. Pretty good quality although on one (of the matte) a plastic like film is coming off. I think it's been on there for 6-9 months.

I recently started using a Bullet Journal to overcome similar issues. I don't think I'm really using it the way it supposed to be used, but what I now do is:

  • Every day, make a list of thing that I want to get done that day (or do this the evening before)
  • During the day, keep this list close and mark when an item is finished
  • Once finished, take a quick break (actually get up from your chair, walk around, go to the toilet, make coffee etc)
  • Look at your list and pick the next task
  • When making your next daily list, make sure to check last day(s) list(s) for unfinished tasks and decide if they're still relevant / add them to your day.

Besides that, I also have 1 page of stuff I need to get done that month. When making the daily list, the monthly list helps deciding on what to do.

This is the vid that got me started:…

I know that @mijustin is building No experience with the product but I've been listening to some of their podcasts about starting their product and they are exciting!

You can definitely stick to the same stack for your server. Like Jakub says you'll have to make it suitable to communicate with an external API. When I built my first API (stack similar to yours, is it from Wes Bos Learn Node?) I struggled to get CORS right and to get Passport working.

React Native is relatively close to React, at least syntax wise. The difference and complexity for me was handling interactions and using the default React Native components, like FlatList/SectionList.

I've been liking these ones best lately:

  • Kalzumeus Podcast (Patrick McKenzie)
  • Build Your SaaS (Justin Jackson / Jon Buda)
  • The Indie Hackers Podcast (Courtland Allen)
  • The Kevin Rose Show (Kevin Rose)

Oh and I listen to them all on Breaker. Anyone else on there? I'm!