


Building a portfolio of web and mobile apps. Rails for web and Flutter for mobile apps. New app β†’ β€” daily challenges to improve health.
If you have a moment, need your thoughts on this :) Recently I rebranded to because I couldn't afford the renewal cost (~$350) It's almost a month in and I got some fund to renew it.Β  Now the question isΒ  β€’ list the domain for a higher price to sell (since I already spent ...
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After redesigning the landing page, noticed the signups increased a bit. Now it reached 50 signups for early access What's next: β€’ Have to get back to the mobile app dev. It's been almost a month where I worked on getting the steps count from apple health data β€’ The goal is to launch by November ...
Finished the landing page for early access and would like to get feedback on if the messaging is clear. Here is the link:
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I'm doodling with this idea of having a "Deals" section forΒ The tagline would change between these β€’ Best deals from the apps you love β€’ Best deals from the brands you love β€’ Best deals from the websites you love β€’ ... Idea is to promote apps/brands (increasing sales) and ha...
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Started working on a simple tool to keep myself accountable to eat less sugar. After started using WIP and reading (well, listening) to Atomic Habits, started to work on forming few habits like "No laptop/coding after 7pm", "No Sugar/Eat healthily", etc. For the "no sugar" part, I thought it ...
I think I worried too much before about getting it right. Then I was like, let's launch today πŸ˜… Have a look πŸ‘‰ Also, consider this an official invitation to participate in the leaderboard if you haven’t already 😎
I'm working onΒ and haven't officially launched yet. Started as a simple one-page leaderboard to find who owns the more number of domains. Recently added a section to submit domain names and everyone can vote for the domain names they like (called "Fancy ones" on the w...
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Even if it is a comparatively small amount, wouldn't have done this if I hadn't joined WIP πŸ™ I have been lazy to build something for a long time and joining WIP really helped 😎 Especially the "streak" forced me to ship/work on something daily πŸ˜… (29 days since I joined and trying not to break it...