Marc Köhlbrugge
Marc Köhlbrugge
Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
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Hide feedback widget in DM's because it's overlapping with the "Send" button and it's too hard to fix properly #wip h/t @jamesbrooksco
Calculate application → start trial funnel and conclude that for every 8th person that applies to join, 1 ends up starting a trial (not sure yet what conversion rate is on that). Last 30 days: 146 applicants → 104 accepted → 41 started onboarding (so far) → 17 subscribed to trial #wip
Send reminder email to users who already selected their packs but still need to pay #multiverse
Send reminder email to users who already paid but still need to upload their photos #multiverse
Move site to URL and deploy with Kamal #paygame (h/t @pretzelhands for help)