Henry Bui

Keep it simple, using Reminders on iOS. But it doesn't have annoying alert sound

  • The features hard to read, make it bigger..
  • Footer: 2023? Your Company?
  • You are wasting the large area at beginning, put something there to immediately let users know what's this site.

Damn, quick and to the point. Thanks a lot stranger. Will do the fix ASAP

I usually copy small pieces from everyone website. Totally bad at design and don't know how to use Figma :)))

From several failed projects, I learned that:

  • How do you find new ideas? When I stuck with something long enough, try to think the way to automate or solve my own problems. What's if no one use, at least it helps me so I got motivate on continue on it.

  • Where do you keep track of them? Apple Notes, write down everything appear in my head before forget it.

  • How do you decide what to work on and what to shelve? Try to research a little bit if anyone also got the same problems and any tools out there but not good enough. Sometimes I thought my idea is a birilliant idea and no one build before but I was wrong. Instead of pay 15-30$/month, I spend lot of time on it :(((((

Some feedbacks:
- Your headline is too big when compare to the benefits. I would change the design of questions/benefits to bigger rectangles if I were you.
- Your demo video should be saw first, move to top, and it's not impressive tbh. I think you should do it again.

added a new demo video thanks for the tip :) and put it on top of the page